If you want to invite me as a guest speaker - do not hesitate to get in touch.
As a journalist and an educator, I give public talks and participate in round-tables and conferences.
In 2022 I appeared on the Catalan radio programme El Balcó (organised by Radio Ser and journalist and philosopher Josep Ramoneda), at a round table “No to Tyranny!” in La Central del Raval, and commented on the citation in Russia on TV3.
In 2021 I made an appearance on Radio Andorra and gave talks on media governance and freedom of speech at several Andorran schools (all part of my stay at residencia Faber Llull).
In 2020 I held presentations of my book What is Barcelona: Beaches. Independence. Jamón in Moscow and Barcelona.
Have a listen:
El Balcó (22/03/2022) - Converses d'en Ramoneda: Daria Gavrilova
SOBRELLENGUA: DARIA GAVRILOVA (Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra)
Starting 2022, I have been experimenting with standup as well - courtesy of Barcelona Comedy Clubhouse